
STUD 5000 Spray Reviews

Here you can read customer reviews about lidocaine spray - STUD 5000  . You can send us your comments by using contact us page .Please send us your comment or review about this tool to delay premature ejaculation.

 Customer Reviews for Stud 5000 Spray:

I could not find real reviews about stud 5000 anywhere. I decided to buy it anyway :). A good spray,  small pocket size bottle, is always easy to carry, for example, in jeans.  you shouldn’t spray the head of the penis few minutes before sex and you are good to go for next 30 minuets.  lidocaine spray - works great!
This is not the first time I’ve bought this “lidocaine spray”, I have never failed. I can give a couple of tips: it is better to put on a condom or wash the head of the penis about 15 minutes after applying Stud5000. So that your sexual partner also does not decrease sex sensitivity in some places. Especially if the girl is not know your secret, may begin to suspect something. And I do not recommend spraying aerosol with lidocaine more than two times, since 1-2 times is enough.
I liked the affordable price of Stud 5000 , and it’s enough for about 500+ sprays, which is very profitable and cool, so I could not resist, I decided to purchase this tool for prolonging sexual intercourse. More than once, the lover told me more than once that I finish very early. And after that, the spray spoke in a completely different way. He probably thinks that like I myself could learn to restrain myself, have sex for a long time and not finish. Yes, and my self-esteem somehow increased in proportion to the duration of sex.
Previously, there were no problems with premature ejaculation at all. I could make love for 30 minutes and only then shoot. And now only 3-5 minutes no more, probably stress is to blame. But I try to keep up with progress, so I bought myself a spray with Stud 5000, I apply it a couple of times and put on a condom. After that, I make love for 15-25 minutes no less. In general, the spray was effective. Sensitivity of course decreases, but the wife enjoys it.
After the first use of Stud 5000 spray, my sex lasted as long as 20 minutes, despite the fact that usually in bed everything ended in 2-3 minutes. The wife is now every time surprised and cannot understand what’s the matter, why I can make love for so long and don’t end right away. The tool is of course super, i I advise everyone to try this spray Stud 5000 with lidocaine, since there is a good ratio of cost and quality.
I recommend only spraying 3 times on the head of the penis and rubbing it right, and after 10-15 minutes, when the “lidocaine” contained in the  stud 5000 spray starts to work, you need to wash the head of the penis well (to prevent the spray from getting into the girl’s vagina otherwise, it may also decrease sensitivity, and if you use a condom, you can not wash it..
Haztive Dominicana ,California ,37 years
This works! . The instructions say apply 3 sprays 10 minutes before the desired effects. He rubbed it as recommended, which, said that, does not care about the application. The product can be rubbed easily. She did not notice any difference at all, only that things went on and on! **

  This is where you need to be advised. I got ambitious and went for four sprays. Let's say that things went on so long (and believe me, they still felt good). It was a killing, but it's worth mentioning. Start with little and learn to use this for your specific needs.
William ,New jersey, 29 years
This is the first product i've used for desensitization, i am very sensitive in the nether regions and i have to say it works great. Sad part is part of the lidocaine and the effects of the "caine" drug family is increased heart rate, so if you have heart problems steer clear, and make sure to clean it off of your skin after so it doesn't fully absorb into the blood stream.
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